Brillux Creativ Finolato 75 weiß
Ready-to-use, quartz-filled emulsion paint for decorative, finely textured surfaces indoors.
- Grain size up to approx. 0.3 mm
- diffusible
- highly hard-wearing
- matt
- versatile texturing
Ready-to-use, texturisable, quartz-filled dispersion paint for interior use (fine brush-on plaster, brush-on filler). Low-emission, solvent- and plasticiser-free, odourless, matt, hard-wearing, excellent diffusible and easy to apply. Can also be used as a base for other creative design techniques and/or in combination with opaque emulsion paint coats.
For achieving decorative, textured surfaces indoors. Can be used in representative or business rooms, corridors or staircases etc. of e.g. hotels or restaurants as well as in the entire private living area. On e.g. interior plaster (compressive strength category CS II/CS III/CS IV and B1-B7), concrete, plasterboard and emulsion paint coats. Specially adapted for further design with Creativ Viviato 72.
- ELF = low-emission, free of solvents and plasticisers
- matt
- diffusible
- highly hard-wearing
- versatile structure
- Long open time when working over with wall glazes
- ideal substrate for Creativ Viviato 72 and Creativ Vedeno 74